Are You A Risk To Your Financial Health?

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If you can answer seven out of the 10 true or false questions, bravo! But if you don’t know the answers to seven of these 10 questions  -- without guessing -- you either need professional help or can be happy you became a client. (Guessing doesn’t count because you could get lucky.)

Let us know if you want to talk about getting all this right.  


1. The April 15, 2021 federal income-tax filing deadline was postponed to May 17:




2. A new tax proposal targets billionaires.




3. A new tax proposal by President Biden is not expected until the end of 2021.




4. The new chairman of the Federal Reserve is Janet Yellen.




5. A 10-year U.S. Treasury Bond yields about 1.7%.




6. The interest on the national debt relative to the size of the economy skyrocketed due to Covid stimulus legislation.




7. The consensus forecast of economists is for the economy to fully recover by the end of June 2022.




8. When interest rates rise, the price of bonds rise.




9. Stock price-to-earnings ratios are low compared the historical average.




10. The Federal Reserve chair recently vowed to raise rates as soon as inflation shows up in the personal consumer expenditure deflation index.






Answers: 1. True  2. True  3. False  4.False  5. True  6. False  7. True   8. False  9. False  10. False

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The material represents an assessment of financial, economic and tax law at a specific point in time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Actual results, performance, or achievements may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Information is based on data gathered from what we believe are reliable sources. It is not guaranteed as to accuracy, does not purport to be complete, and is not intended to be used as a primary basis for investment decisions.
This article was written by a professional financial journalist for Advisor Products and is not intended as legal or investment advice.

This article was written by a professional financial journalist for NFI, LLC. and is not intended as legal or investment advice.

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